Friday, July 15, 2011

Bulimia, or any eating disorder stories? Ten points!?

I'm 13 and me and my best friend Raquel have been best friends since we were 2. we have mostly been on the chubby side but not fat. i was 5'4 and weighed 135. she was 5'6 and weighed 149. i always felt deppresed about my weight but i was tall so you couldnt really tell i weighed that much. Raquel started going out with Jon he was the super cute jock that every girl wanted to go out with. later on in the relationship Jon stood up infront of the whole school and dumped Raquel and called her a fat whore. She was so hurt. I went over to her house and we talked about Health Class and about everything we were learning like bulimia,anorexia,purging,binging. And that was her solution to being fat. She made me promise that I would do it with her and I did because I was scared that I was going to loose my bff. This is how our day went: wake up for school run a little late so we wouldn't have to eat what our moms had made and just grab a granola bar or apple and throw it away on the bus. For lunch we would bring our lunch and just eat a little like a fourth of a sandwich and go to the bathroom and puke it up. For dinner we would eat as little as possible just enough for our parents not to notice and go to the bathroom and throw it up. That's how it is still because we don't feel beautiful and no matter how much weight we loose its never going to be enough.

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